Single Log-Out (SLO)

Unfortunately there is no guaranteed Single log-out, but we offer a possibility to destroy the sessions on single servers with the page Whether this works or not depends on whether the server is reachable at the moment and that the logout script there is working.
The only really secure way is to close the browser or to delete all cookies in the browser.

In contrast to (or, where you cannot log in generally, but where you are redirected by services connected to the SSO system to log in, you can access the page directly (and should therefore save it as a favorite, for example).

Currently there are 2 different SSO systems at TU Graz (so no real "Single") and is currently not yet integrated into the SLO system of

Example of a Logout Script

use CGI qw/:standard/;
use URI::Escape;

$sso = '/';
# ?
# $sso = '';
# central logout calls this PERL script
$cookies = $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE};
$cookies =~ s/ //g;
@cookiesArray = split(/\;/, $cookies);
foreach $cookieString (@cookiesArray) {
 if ("$cookieString" =~ "_shibsession_") {
  ($shib,$value) = split (/=/,$cookieString);

my $cgi = CGI->new;
my $cookie = $cgi->cookie (
                -name    => $shib,
                -value   => '',
                -expires => '-1d'

print $cgi->redirect(-location => $sso, -cookie => $cookie);